Create Mock API
Like a Breeze!

With Mockaron, create mock REST APIs without server configuration or setup. Its intuitive and no-code app makes it super easy to get started.

Mockaron Mock API Editor

Why You Need Mockaron

Faster Development Cycle

Faster Development Cycle

Mocking APIs allows you to work in parallel with back-end developers. You don't have to wait for the actual APIs to be built and deployed, which speeds up the development process significantly.
Prototyping and Demonstration

Prototyping and Demonstration

Mocked APIs are great for creating prototypes or demos of applications. They allow you to show how an application will work and interact with other systems without the need for a fully operational backend.
Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and Quality Assurance

API mocking is invaluable for testing. It allows you to simulate various responses from an API without having to set up and maintain a full backend environment. This leads to more comprehensive testing and better quality assurance.
Security and Privacy

Security and Privacy

Mocking APIs eliminate the need of exposing sensitive data during development and testing. This reduces security and privacy risks associated with using real APIs in a development environment.

Mockaron Key Features

Intuitive and No-code Interface

Creating mock APIs is easy with Mockaron's visual editor. You can define routes, responses, and request matching rules using a no-code interface. The editor provides a real-time preview of your API responses and makes it easy to create complex scenarios.

Dynamic JSON Responses

Generate dynamic and random JSON responses by using Mockaron's Visual Schema Editor to define the structure of your JSON data. You can create nested objects, arrays, and specify data types for each field. Use the built-in functions to generate random data for your responses.

Mocking REST APIs

Quickly mock REST APIs and define routes based on an HTTP method or any CRUD method. You can customize headers on requests and responses, set response latency, and specify HTTP status codes. Multiple content types are supported, including HTML, XML, Text, and JSON.

Advanced Request Matching

Define realistic scenarios for your Mock API responses. Use Mockaron's request matching rules to create dynamic responses based on the request URL, method, headers, query parameters, and body. You can use regular expressions and wildcards to match any part of the request.

Mock API Authentication

Define authentication for your Mock API and create private routes. It enables you to set up authorization routes for testing or prototyping authentication procedures in your application. With Mockaron, you can implement a variety of authentication methods such as JWT, API key, and basic username and password.

High Quality Placeholder Photos

Generate image source URLs using high-quality photo sources such as Unsplash, Lorem Picsum, Lorem Flickr, and Placeholder. You can specify the image dimensions, category, and other parameters to get the perfect placeholder image for your mock API responses.

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